Junior golf is the future of this grand old game. The future is NOW at Battle Creek Golf Club.
We at Battle Creek Golf Club are committed to our Junior golf program. We can’t think of a better legacy to pass along to our youth than a love of the game of golf.
When run properly – like our program – Junior golf teaches so much more than just the game of golf.
Lessons learned help with the game of life, too!
Director of Junior Instruction, Amanda Fisher, has created a variety of Junior golf programs that teach your kids about the game of golf and allow them to have fun year ‘round! Amanda played college golf at ORU and is now an LPGA qualified instructor.
Junior programs include instruction, rules, etiquette, on-course lessons, video analysis, tournaments and much more. Golf is a game that can be played over the course of a lifetime; why not let your child get an early start!
What we teach!
We will combine short-game instruction, swing analysis and on-course lessons to teach your kids this lifelong game.
If you’re interested in middle school or high school golf you will learn all the necessary skills to compete at this level. Classes will be held on Monday thru Friday after school. You choose a day and a class to attend each week.
During season… Classes run from 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day. You can sign up for 1 week, 5 weeks or all ten weeks. Suitable for golfers of all levels 5-16 years old.

Costs and Tournaments
For more information on Tournaments and Junior Lesson/Clinic Costs please visit: www.amandafisher.yourlpgapro.com
Call Amanda Fisher at 557-8762 or email manda2450@yahoo.com to sign up.
Space is limited so don’t delay!